Ребят помогите пожалуйста(( 1. Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем ответы на вопросы.  1. What did Egyptian men wear on their faces? 2. What did Egyptian nobility do with their hair? 3. What did Egyptian wear on ceremonial occasions? 4. How did the hairstyles of primitive men look like? 5. What did Babylonian and Assyrian men do with their hair and beards? 6. What natural substance was used in ancient times for hair colouring? 7. What styles did Sumerian noblewomen wear? 8. What was used in Egypt to decorate wigs? 2. Выберите правильный вариант.  1) In ancient Egypt noblemen shaved / dyed their heads and faces. 2) Egyptian noblemen wore false ornaments / beards. 3) Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian noblemen cropped / dyed their hair and beards. 4) On ceremonial occasions Egyptians wore wigs / hats. 5) In ancient societies common people wore long or cropped / adorned hair held in a fillet or band. 6) In ancient times people often shaved / dyed their hair with henna. 3. Верно или нет? True or false?  1) In classical Greece men wore long hair. 2) Both men and women in Greece wore fillets. 3) In Greece noble people used curling irons. 4) In Greece women didn’t dye their hair. 5) Greek women adorned their hair with flowers, ribbons and tiaras. 6) Roman men didn’t adorn their hair. 7) Blond hair was very popular with rich women in Rome. 8) Hairstyles in Roman Empire were rather complex. 9) Romans didn’t wear wigs. 10) In ancient world hairdressing and shaving were done by slaves or in public barbershops. 4. Сопоставьте слова с переводом. lock bow moustache beard shave wig fringe queue powder coiffure loose 1. бант 2. борода 3. брить 4. завитой 5. коса 6. локон 7. парик 8. прическа 9. пудра 10. распущенный 11. усы 12. челка 5. Сопоставьте части предложений. Short hair was popular with women In the 19th century men wore In the 1830’s In the 1840’s In the 1880’s In the 1890’s 1. a crimped fringe was popular. 2. at the beginning of the 19th century. 3. hairdos were sleek and demure. 4. short curls clustered at the temples were in fashion. 5. short hair, sideburns, moustaches and beards. 6. the hair was swept up behind and formed a high wide frame for the face.
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