TEST 4 Ex.1 Translate from Russian into English. Ex.2 Translate from English into Russian. Хлопок Повседневный Бархат Шелк Smart Patterned Loose-fitting Appearance Ex.3 Circle the odd word out: cotton / wool / silk / elegant trousers / blouse / /floral / socks polka-dot/ striped/scruffy/ floral ears / eyelashes / lips / bushy velvet / nylon / linen / muscular baggy /sporty /scruffy/editor Ex. 4 Fill in: bushy, slim, overweight, crooked, fit, suits, try, join, protruding, frizzy. 1. Fiona hides her........... ears behind her long hair. 2. Tina wants to............. a gym. 3. John is.............. He must go on a diet. 4. Tony doesn’t like his............ nose. 5. I’m not happy with my............... hair! I wish it was straight. 6. Would you like to........... on that dress? 7. Danny made a nasty remark about Betty’s.............. eyebrows. 8. This table is huge! It doesn’t................ in our small kitchen! 9. I don’t think that red hair........... her. 10. She’s got a very......... figure. Ex 5. Fill in: away, off, on, through, up with, out. Please put …… your clothes. They are all over the place! It took the firefighters two hours to put ….… the fire. The fashion show has been put…..… until next Friday. It’s a formal party. You really should put …..…a tie. Please put me ……... to Dr. Green. I can’t put up ……… that kind of behavior any longer. Ex. 6. Underline the correct item: My grandpa has very bushy eyebrows / lips. His eyebrows are too fat / short. She hides her curly / protruding ears behind her hair. Does my hat match / fit my coat? This black dress suit / try you well. Ex. 7. Word Formation: The film will end in 10 minutes. Don’ t be so __________(patient) My parents can’t rely on my brother. He is very __________(responsible) This task is ____________(possible) to do. Drugs are ___________(legal) everywhere. We wear ____________(formal) on Fridays in the office. Present Simple am/is/are + Past Participle Past Simple was/were + Past participle Future Simple will + be+ Past Participle Ex.8. Fill in the correct form of the verb: 1. The key ____ (find) under the table yesterday. 2. They ____ (take) to the museum tomorrow. 3. Lessons ____ (attend) by the students every day. 4. The park ____ (reconstruct) next year. 5. This building ____ (design) last year. 6. The mobile ____ (use) every day. 7. The apples ____ (buy) by Liz yesterday. 8. The windows ____ (clean) tomorrow. 9. Roses ____ (cut) every day. 10. The book ____ (buy) in the shop tomorrow Change these examples into the structure have + object + V3 Ex.9. Complete the sentences using the causative form The Smiths ___________ the roof _______________ last year. (repair) Molly ______________ the room ____________________ next month. (decorate) We ___________ the television _________________ only last year! (repair) ________ you ____________ your car ______________ regularly? (service) How often ___________ you _____________ your windows _____________? (clean) We _________________ the office _________________ every evening. (clean) Our neighbors __________________ a new garage ______________ at the moment (build) Нужно решить тест, даю 100баллов
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