3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct words. The first letter of each word is given. 1 Fiona Erik is nothing like his brother, is he? Gayle No, the difference is really S 2 Husband This washing machine looks pretty good, doesn't it? Wife I don't really care about its appearance, to be honest. As long as it's f then that's the main thing. 3 Customer That was absolutely delicious. Thank you. You've obviously got a top chef! He's not really one for cooking Waiter C dishes. He likes to experiment and come up with new creations. 4 Man You do this every time we have an argument. I think you're being really e Wife You're the one behaving like a teenager! 5 Design teacher That's a very i use of colours you've got there, Kazumi. Design student Thanks. I was trying to do something a bit different.​
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