1 Complete the sentences with the correct
word from the box.
(6 points)
accused sentence judge jury lawyer
witnesses sue
1 The Judge told her she would go to prison for
three months.
2 The returned after five hours and
their spokesman said that the man was guilty
3 When his shelves fell down he tried to
the shop which sold them to him.
4 The was brought into court by two
police officers.
5 Everyone was shocked by the thief's 20 year
6 She said it wasn't her but there were three
who had seen her do it.
7 Everyone knew she was guilty but she had an
excellent and she was set free.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in capital letters. (6 points)
1 I'm sure community service would
be better for him than prison. COMMUNE
2 When we got home, the
were still upstairs
3 Police were called out to a
in the High Street
4 He was arrested for
when security guards found a
frozen chicken under his coat. SHOPLIFT
5 Luckily he didn't go to prison
but was sent on a
programme instead
6 I couldn't believe how much
mindless there was in
the city
7 The problem of abuse at
football grounds in Britain is much
less than it was twenty years ago
3 Complete the sentences with a character
adjective. The first letter of each word
has been given.
(6 points)
1 He's so laid-back. Nothing worries him.
2 He never remembers anything. He's so
3 I don't think you'll get her to change her
mind. She's too s
4 Six hours of shopping and you still haven't
bought any presents! You'll have to start
being more
51 can't believe how long she spends looking at
herself in the mirror. She's so v_
6 I knew who the murderer was after about five
minutes. It was one of the most p-
films I have ever seen.
7 You can't have any more cake. Don't be so
4 Circle the correct alternatives.
(6 points)
In the old days, criminals knew their place.
Once we had arrested someone, we
didn't usey used to have any more trouble
from them. These young criminals.ought/
should to respect us policeman more. I
remember old Bob. Whenever we arrested him,
he would/could come quietly and politely.
He knew he must / had to sit and wait while
we typed up our reports. He always asked if he
could / can smoke and even though we knew
that we shouldn't / mustn't give him
cigarettes, we always did. There was no rule
that said we couldn't but the inspector thought
it looked bad. Old Bob spent most of his life in
prison. He didn't use to / wouldn't like life
outside very much. He was always much happier
in his warm cell surrounded by all his friends.
5 Complete the text with one word in
each gap.
(6 points)
I started at my new school this week - a mixed
comprehensive with over 1,500 students. What
a shock! Before the summer holidays, I had
been going to a girls' school. It was a strict
school.1 to hate the uniform and
do anything to avoid wearing it but,
now that I moved away, I miss it.
remember that we had
wear a hat on
Fridays and one week
around bare-headed
the headmistress
saw me. She called my parents in because of
that! I doubt if anyone here knows what a hat is!
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
word from the box.
(6 points)
accused sentence judge jury lawyer
witnesses sue
1 The Judge told her she would go to prison for
three months.
2 The returned after five hours and
their spokesman said that the man was guilty
3 When his shelves fell down he tried to
the shop which sold them to him.
4 The was brought into court by two
police officers.
5 Everyone was shocked by the thief's 20 year
6 She said it wasn't her but there were three
who had seen her do it.
7 Everyone knew she was guilty but she had an
excellent and she was set free.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in capital letters. (6 points)
1 I'm sure community service would
be better for him than prison. COMMUNE
2 When we got home, the
were still upstairs
3 Police were called out to a
in the High Street
4 He was arrested for
when security guards found a
frozen chicken under his coat. SHOPLIFT
5 Luckily he didn't go to prison
but was sent on a
programme instead
6 I couldn't believe how much
mindless there was in
the city
7 The problem of abuse at
football grounds in Britain is much
less than it was twenty years ago
3 Complete the sentences with a character
adjective. The first letter of each word
has been given.
(6 points)
1 He's so laid-back. Nothing worries him.
2 He never remembers anything. He's so
3 I don't think you'll get her to change her
mind. She's too s
4 Six hours of shopping and you still haven't
bought any presents! You'll have to start
being more
51 can't believe how long she spends looking at
herself in the mirror. She's so v_
6 I knew who the murderer was after about five
minutes. It was one of the most p-
films I have ever seen.
7 You can't have any more cake. Don't be so
4 Circle the correct alternatives.
(6 points)
In the old days, criminals knew their place.
Once we had arrested someone, we
didn't usey used to have any more trouble
from them. These young criminals.ought/
should to respect us policeman more. I
remember old Bob. Whenever we arrested him,
he would/could come quietly and politely.
He knew he must / had to sit and wait while
we typed up our reports. He always asked if he
could / can smoke and even though we knew
that we shouldn't / mustn't give him
cigarettes, we always did. There was no rule
that said we couldn't but the inspector thought
it looked bad. Old Bob spent most of his life in
prison. He didn't use to / wouldn't like life
outside very much. He was always much happier
in his warm cell surrounded by all his friends.
5 Complete the text with one word in
each gap.
(6 points)
I started at my new school this week - a mixed
comprehensive with over 1,500 students. What
a shock! Before the summer holidays, I had
been going to a girls' school. It was a strict
school.1 to hate the uniform and
do anything to avoid wearing it but,
now that I moved away, I miss it.
remember that we had
wear a hat on
Fridays and one week
around bare-headed
the headmistress
saw me. She called my parents in because of
that! I doubt if anyone here knows what a hat is!

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