Test 2 Listening. You will hear 8 people talking in 8 different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. 1. You hear a young girl talking to her friend. Why does she want to return the dress? A) She has found something else. B) It doesn’t match her shoes. C) It’s the wrong size. 2. You hear part of a documentary about skyscraper farms. How does the presenter feel about this kind of farming? A) He feels it is unnatural to grow fresh produce indoors. B) He believes it is an excellent way to grow crops. C) He thinks it would be an extremely risky solution. 3. You hear a woman talking to customer services. What is her reason for calling? A) She has changes her mind. B) The wrong item has been sent. C) Her goods haven’t arrived. 4. You hear a news report about a new product. What is the reporter describing? A) The popularity of the product. B) The history of the product. C) The features of the product. 5. You hear a woman talking to a shop assistant. Why has she gone to the shop? A) To get credit B) To get a refund C) To exchange something 6. You hear a designer talking on the radio. What is the designer working on at the moment? A) Stylish dresses B) Woolen outwear C) Colourful clothing 7. You hear a girl talking about going shopping. How do some shop assistant make her feel? A) Flattered B) Self-assured C) Uncomfortable 8. You hear a man talking to a courier company. Why has he phoned the courier? A) To complain B) To arrange a delivery C) To make an enquiry tempting revenge aisle addressed scratched dietary appliances values designer loyalty Vocabulary. Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1. The bakery has a ____ display of cakes! 2. Peter collects points on his ____ card when he shops at the supermarket. 3. Sally is very fashionable and often buys ____ clothes. 4. The Queen should be ____ as «Your Majesty». 5. Andrew walked up and down the ____ looking for tinned peas. 6. Jane’s children have developed good family ____. 7. After his friend played a trick on him, Gavin decided to take ____. 8. Lisa’s new kitchen has been fitted with modern electrical ____. Underline the correct form. 9. Spray-on clothing is made up of minute fabrics/fibres that stick to the skin. 10. Gina worked very hard in order to get ahead/across in her career. 11. Students have been reduces/banned from wearing jeans at school. 12. These days, udders can demand/access the Internet from their mobile phones. 13. The rising/advancing price of food affects poor people the most. Grammar. Choose the correct item. 1. This carton isn’t ____ as that one. A) As big B) More big C) Bigger 2. Andy spent half an hour ____ for rice in the supermarket. A) Searching B) Search C) To search 3. I can’t meet at 5 o’clock. I ____ work by then. A) Won’t have finished B) Won’t finish C) Won’t have been finished 4. Pamela went to buy flour. She ___ a cake. A) Will bake B) Is going to bake C) Is baking 5. Paul must be careful not to spend ____ money than he earns. A) More B) Most C) Much 6. Julie regrets ____ so much money on shoes. A) Spend B) To spend C) Spending 7. I ____ go to the mall as long as you come with me. A) Am going to B) Will C) Won’t 8. By the time Jane arrives, we ____ for six hours! A) Will have been shopping B) Will have shopped C) Have been shopping 9. The ____ known brands aren’t always worth buying. A) Most B) Best C) Biggest 10. Darren forgot ____ pasta when he was at the shop. A) Buying B) To buy C) Buy 11. I’m sorry. I promise I ____ do it again! A) Won’t B) Am not going to C) Won’t have 12. They stopped ___ to eat lunch. A) Shopping B) Shop C) To shop 13. The clothes sold at the market are often ___ than those in the shops. A) Cheap B) More cheap C) Cheaper 14. By the end of the week, Harry ____ all his pocket money. A) Will have spent B) Will spend C) Will be spending 15. When the sale ____, do you want to go shopping? A) Will start B) Starts C) Is going to start Everyday English. Choose the correct response 1. A: Can I try them on, please? B: a) The fitting rooms are over there. b) Your receipt is in the bag. 2. A: The are reduced in price, aren’t they? B: a) Yes, I’ll take them b) Yes, but we don’t have many left. 3.A: Do you need any help? B: a) I’m looking for a jacket. b) What size are you? 4. A: Can I pay by credit card? B: a) Here you are. b) Sure, no problem. 5. A: Are they any good? B: a) Just sigh here. b) They fit well. Reading. Read the text. Seven sentences have been removed from the article.
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