Це завдання треба переробити в ньому речення, виправити помилки.
Use Your Skills
1) Excuse me, what can I get access to wi-fi?
2) What is the website for wi-fi?
3) Disk drive is the best option for protection of data in smartphones.
4) Which version of a food processor do you have on your computer?
5) Last week, I bought a pair of cordless smartphones.
6) I found your site while writing the Web and was very impressed.
7) Tablets are a new generation of computers and the most used blogs today.
8) You can publish your web pages by posting them to the web server.
Use Your Skills
1) Excuse me, what can I get access to wi-fi?
2) What is the website for wi-fi?
3) Disk drive is the best option for protection of data in smartphones.
4) Which version of a food processor do you have on your computer?
5) Last week, I bought a pair of cordless smartphones.
6) I found your site while writing the Web and was very impressed.
7) Tablets are a new generation of computers and the most used blogs today.
8) You can publish your web pages by posting them to the web server.
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