№ 1 You will hear five different people talking about their experiences while being in Moscow. Match each speaker 1–5 with the event they talk about. There is one extra event you DO NOT need to use. You will hear the text twice.
Victory Day
International Women’s Day
Moscow City Day
Tatyana’s Day
New Year’s Eve
№ 1 Task 1 Read the text below and mark the facts as True or False.
Russians call it the Mendeleev periodic table, while in other countries people drop the name of the Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev – the scientist who came up with the concept that atomic weights of elements largely predetermine their physical and chemical properties. In the anticipation of an anniversary of this discovery (1869-1870), we decided to find out more interesting facts from the director of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, who kindly agreed to answer our questions.
Can you tell us about the history of this discovery and its importance nowadays? It’s amazing but Mendeleev based his classification on 63 elements only, of which just 48 had atomic weights precisely determined at that time. Others had not been studied thoroughly. His first table was put on a sheet of paper with some gaps for unknown elements and he corrected the atomic weights for the elements which he thought were incorrect. All the missing elements were discovered later and all the atomic weights he thought wrong proved to be as he predicted! Now we are working on discovering the 119th of the Mendeleev table and there seems to be no limit. One of the elements discovered recently is named after Mendeleev.
Were there any attempts to classify elements before and after his discovery? Yes, just a few. The earliest was based on two large groups of acid-forming and base-forming elements. However, this broad classification proved inadequate. The second made a distinction between metals and non-metals. But it turned out to be inconsistent. The German chemist Lothar Meyer put forward similar proposals shortly after Mendeleev, but criticized Mendeleev’s predictions of incorrect atomic weights of some elements.
Can the Mendeleev periodic table be regarded as a law of nature? No one can deny that. It has been verified many times decades after Mendeleev’s death in 1907. Now it’s as valuable as the work of Copernicus in astronomy or Einstein’s theory of relativity.Was Mendeleev nominated for a Nobel prize? Yes, three times – in 1905, 1906, 1907. Unfortunately, he failed to get a prize due to the long time that had passed since his discovery and the time when Nobel prizes were first introduced in 1901.
1. 1901 – Mendeleev died
Выбрать: true/ false
2. 118 – the current number of elements in the periodic table
Выбрать: true/ false
3. 1917 – the second time Mendeleev was nominated for the Nobel Prize
Выбрать: true/ false
4. 1903 – Nobel prizes were first introduced
Выбрать: true/ false
5. 3 – the number of nominations of the great Russian scientist for the Nobel prize
Выбрать: true/ false
№ 2 Task 2 Read the following text and then choose from the list below the best phrase to fill each of the numbered spaces. Each correct phrase may be used only once. There are three phrases that you DO NOT need to use.
A — which is clearly not enough for the average person
B — which probably means they were a good deal happier
C — which is why children need plenty of sleep
D — which can even lead to major disasters
E — which allows users unlimited access
F — which we use in the first part of the night
G — which we need in order to fall asleep
H — which effectively eliminated darkness
I — which are thought to be restorative and conserving
J – which always deprives them of some sleepThere is an example for you (0).
A Good Night
Sleeping less than six and a half hours a night is not good for you, warned the American National Sleep Foundation recently. With supreme irony, the warning came just as people in the US, in the interests of daylight saving, were about to put their clocks forward one hour, (0) J . The Foundation’s latest research shows that eight hours’ sleep is optimal for good health. The problem is that these days, some people seem to regard sleep as slothful and unproductive, a view encouraged by innovations like the Internet, (1) ____(Выбрать: A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J)
long after other sources of information are inactive. Actually, one could go further back in time and blame the invention of the light bulb, (2) ____(Выбрать: A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J). People slept on average nine hours a night before the arrival of electricity, (3) ____(Выбрать: A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J). For sleep is not equivalent to switching off your computer. In sleep important things still happen, things (4) ____(Выбрать: A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J). Sleep reduces the body’s metabolic rate by up to 20 per cent, representing a great saving in energy, and the amount of oxygen (5) ____(Выбрать: A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J) also falls dramatically, as does our body temperature to a lesser extent. And during sleep the body releases growth hormone, (6) ____(Выбрать: A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J).
№ 1 Task 1 Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. The first one is done for you.
Weather influences the lives (0) of everyone. The climate of any country depends on its position on Earth, its (1) _________(Выбрать: distance/ space/ depth/ length) from the sea and how high it is. In countries which have sea all (2)__________(Выбрать: through/ beside/ around/ near) them, like Britain and New Zealand, winters are mild and summers are cool. There is not a huge change from one season to (3)__________(Выбрать: next/ another/ later/ other) . Countries near the Equator have hot weather all year with some (4)_________(Выбрать: hard/ large/ heavy/ great) rain, except in deserts where it rains (5) __________(Выбрать: not/ quite/ more/ very) little. Above the desert there are no clouds in the sky so the (6)_________(Выбрать: heat/ fire/ light/ temperature) of the sun can easily warm the ground during the day but it gets very cold at night. People are always (7)__________(Выбрать: attracted/ interested/ keen/ excited) in unusual weather and pictures of tornadoes, for example, shown on television. Strong winds and rain can (8)________(Выбрать: make/ happen/ have/ cause) a lot of damage to buildings and in spite of modern (9)_________(Выбрать: jobs/ tools/ methods/ plan) of weather forecasting they can (10)__________(Выбрать: yet/ still/ already/ ever) surprise us.
№ 2 Task 2 Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. The first one is done for you.
The Big Interview
0 has been sitting
will sit
had sat
Charles (0) sat in the cafeteria with five other students, waiting for Ms. Swanson to interview all of them. Ms. Swanson, the seventh-grade science teacher, (1)_________(Выбрать: was looking/ looked/ has been looking/ was looked)
for a lab helper. Charles’s palms (2)________(Выбрать: will be/ have been/ were being/ were) sweaty and his face (3)_______(Выбрать: was feeling/ felt/ fell/ had felt) hot. He wondered if his face (4)_________(Выбрать: were/ had been/ would be/ was) red – and if anyone (5)__________(Выбрать: would notice/ has noticed/ will notice/ was noticed). As he prepared for his interview, Charles reviewed a set of index cards with notes that he (6)__________(Выбрать: made/ has made/ had made/ was making) earlier. On each card, he (7)_________(Выбрать: was writing/ had written/ has written/ was written) an answer to a question that Ms. Swanson (8)_______(Выбрать: may/ might/ can/ will) ask. “The emergency eyewash station (9)________(Выбрать: was/ will/ is/ has) not a place to get a drink of water,” he quietly read aloud from one card. Charles (10)__________(Выбрать:decided/ has decided/ was decided/ was eciding) to check out the other candidates. Nearby, a girl with dark hair (11)________(Выбрать: went through/ has gone through/ was gone through/ was going through) her own set of index cards. He (12)_________(Выбрать:would watch/ was watched/ watched/ had watched) as she tore a card into tiny pieces and stuffed the pieces into her pocket. Suddenly she (13)_________(Выбрать: looked up/ was looking up/ has looked up/ would look up) at Charles. “Are you nervous?” she asked. “No, I’m not nervous – not at all,” Charles stammered. “What about you?” “Uh, no, me (14)________(Выбрать: also/ not/ neither/ either),” the girl responded. At that moment, Ms. Swanson appeared. “Charles Locke?” she called out.
№ 3 Task 3 Match each group of adjectives with a suitable noun. There is an example for you.Example:
a difficult/an exciting/a hugelove
№ 4 Task 4 Linguistic quiz
An anagram is a word that is made from another word by putting letters in a different order.
В поле ответа запишите только одно слово. Слова с орфографическими ошибками, опечатками и лишними знаками не засчитываются!
Example: Change teach into something dishonest people do. — cheat
1. Change sport into places where ships stop.
2. Change grown into the opposite of right .
3. Change skis into something you do with your lips.
4. Change miles into a sign of happiness.
5. Change drawer into a kind of prize.

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