(Английский язык)2335?recommended lesson=true&subject id-5
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Составь вежливый вопрос в Present Simple
Нажми на два слова, чтобы поменять их местами
Can I take pictures inside?
Could you tell me if can I take pictures inside?
В последнем предложении нужно нажать на два слова,чтобы их поменять местами.Подскажите пожалуйста какие два слова???!!!!
Could you tell me if I can take pictures inside?
вот исправленный вариант
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успехов в учебе
(Английский язык)№19) If need___I will come to see you in New York
A)being B)is C)be D)are
№24)Find the sentence in the Subjunctive Mood
A)Show your work on math test
B)We must go the bank today
C)if only I could go home
D) He lives most of the year in Spain but returns regularly to visit his ailing mother .
№25 Cheating is forbidden at the university in spite of the fact he admitted_______on the test.
A)to cheat B)cheating C)to cheating D)is cheating
№27 It was 6 o'clock and it____dark
A)is getting B) got C) were getting D) was getting
№29) we were good friend.We_____each other for years .
A)had known B)knew C)known D)have known
№31) Helen is___clever person. She got all answers right.
A)such B)such an C)such a D)so
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