
. Once upon a time there was an old man with four sons. One day he said to his sons, 'I'm old now. Who wants to have our family farm? Who is the wisest?' The first son said, I'm wise! I'm rich. I have a beautiful house and a horse.' The second son said, 'I'm wiser! I'm richer! I have a beautiful house, a horse and a shop.' The third son said, 'I'm the wisest! I'm the richest! I have a beautiful house, a horse and two shops.' Father didn't like their words. He asked the youngest son, 'Well, what about you? What do you have?' The youngest son said, 'I don't have beautiful houses, horses and shops. I have my hands to work and my head to think'. Father liked his words very much. He said, 'Your youngest brother is the wisest. I want to give him our family farm'. The other sons stayed sad. 1 Choose the right synonym to "wise". A smart B interesting C well-behaved D funny 2 Choose the right antonym to "beautiful". A ugly B amazing C smart D bad 3 Choose the odd word. 5 - classDemo Read the text and answer the questions . Once upon a time there was an old man with four sons . One day he said to his sons , ' I'm old now . Who wants to have our family farm ? Who is the wisest ? ' The first son said , I'm wise ! I'm rich . I have a beautiful house and a horse . ' The second son said , ' I'm wiser ! I'm richer ! I have a beautiful house , a horse and a shop . ' The third son said , ' I'm the wisest ! I'm the richest ! I have a beautiful house , a horse and two shops . ' Father didn't like their words . He asked the youngest son , ' Well , what about you ? What do you have ? ' The youngest son said , ' I don't have beautiful houses , horses and shops . I have my hands to work and my head to think ' . Father liked his words very much . He said , ' Your youngest brother is the wisest . I want to give him our family farm ' . The other sons stayed sad . 1 Choose the right synonym to " wise " . A smart B interesting C well - behaved D funny 2 Choose the right antonym to " beautiful " . A ugly B amazing C smart D bad 3 Choose the odd word .​
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