1. I hope I _____________ for the college football team. Выберите один ответ. was chosen; will be chosen. am chosen; 2. The poem _____________ last year. Выберите один ответ. had been spoken about; has been spoken about; was spoken about. 3._________ a lot of work to do this week? Выберите один ответ. Is there; It is; There was. Are there; 4. A Roman pavement just ______________ under Oxford street. Выберите один ответ. was found finds has been finding has been found 5. The bread _____________ automatically. Выберите один ответ. has been wrapped; is wrapped; wrapped. 6. _______________ in Africa in winter. Выберите один ответ. There isn’t snowing There is snowing It isn’t snowing It doesn’t snow 7. We can't take the car: it _____________ at the moment. Выберите один ответ. is being repaired; is repaired; has being repaired. 8.The boy behaved _________ he could. Nobody could complain Выберите один ответ. so quietly as as quiet as as more quietly as as quietly as 9. You will find your way around the town _________ if you have a city plan. Выберите один ответ. more easily more easy less easily more easier 10.The garages _____________ every day. Выберите один ответ. were clean; are cleaned; cleaned. 11.Actions speak _________ words. Выберите один ответ. the loudest than louder than as louder as more louder than 12.Mike is a careless driver, he drives ________________ than you. Выберите один ответ. good bad better worse 13.He works ________________ and makes good progress. Выберите один ответ. hardly hard good badly 14.Mr Snowdon _____________ at the moment. Выберите один ответ. is being interviewed. is interviewed; was interviewed; 15.She smiled ______ of all people I know. Выберите один ответ. sweetest most sweetly most sweet more sweetly 16.Who are these people? — ________________ our foreign guests. Выберите один ответ. There are There is It is They are 17.This rose smells ______ of all flowers in the world. Выберите один ответ. more wonderful most wonderfully most wonderful wonderful 18.Sheila couldn’t come to the party, _________ a pity. Выберите один ответ. that is; there is; there was. it was; 19.It ___________ three days since I met her last. Выберите один ответ. was is has been have been 20.She could ________________ open her eyes. Выберите один ответ. hard hardly well badly 21.She was crying as ______ as usually. Выберите один ответ. silent silently very silently more silent 22.The discovery _______________ public before he wrote an article about it. Выберите один ответ. made was made hadn't been made hadn't been making 23.He _____________ a lot of money. Выберите один ответ. has been given. has been give; will give; 24.________________ a long way to walk and we were tired. Выберите один ответ. It was There isn't It is There is 25._________ a real hurricane the other day! Did you hear it? Выберите один ответ. There is; It was; It is; There was. 26.He _____________ the day before not to come up to the canal. Выберите один ответ. had been warned; had warned. has warned; 27.This film _____________ by about thirty million people now. Выберите один ответ. is being watched, is watched; will be watched. 28.We _____ knew him. Выберите один ответ. hardly hardest hard harder 29.Alice thinks her firm is in trouble. She _____________ this month. Выберите один ответ. wasn't paid; hasn't been paid; isn't been paid. 30. Margaret _____________ to be a very industrious person. Выберите один ответ. is known; is been known. has been known; 31._________ anything interesting in the book you gave me. Выберите один ответ. There isn’t; There was; It isn’t. It is; 32._________ more important for you later than now. Выберите один ответ. There is; It was; There has been. It will be; 33._________ all very good to say you were sorry, but were you really? Выберите один ответ. It was; It were; There were; There was. 34.Why didn’t you come to the party? _________ everybody from our class! Выберите один ответ. It was; There were; There was. There are; 35.The doctor said that Tommy’s leg _____________ the following day. Выберите один ответ. will be X-rayed; would be X-rayed; will have been X-rayed. 36_______________ a long way to go and we were exhausted. Выберите один ответ. There isn't It is There is It was 37_________ nothing else to tell them so he let them go. Выберите один ответ. There was; There is. It is; It was; 38. The windows are really dirty: they _____________ for weeks. Выберите один ответ. hasn't been cleaned; aren't cleaned. haven't been cleaned; 39. The main witness _____________ in the room. Выберите один ответ. was questioning; is being questioned. is questioning; 40.Vast amounts of money ______________ on nuclear power each year. Выберите один ответ. are spent spend have been spent is spent
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