EXERCISE 4. a) Translate, analyse the words with different suffixes and divide the following words into the two groups: nouns and adjectives: separation, important, importance, protection, invader, influence, national, business, continuous, central, successful, changeable, changeless, assistance, worthless, worthy, total, diagonal, industrial, official, population, financial, historical.
b) The words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space:
1. A Scottish person has to listen ... to understand Londoner CAREFUL.
2. Every part of the country has its ... emblem NATION.
3. Lowlands comprise ... and eastern England SOUTH.
4. The UK is one of the important ... centres of the world COMMERCE.
5. The UK doesnʼt depend upon economies and ... manufacturing of other countries INDUSTRY.
c) Read the following sentences and say what part of speech the words in italics are:
1. The waters influence the climate greatly. 2. The Gulf Stream and warm southwestern winds influence the climate. 3. The influence of the warm winds is great. 4. There is a cross on the flag. 5. The lines are crossed in the middle of the display.
b) The words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space:
1. A Scottish person has to listen ... to understand Londoner CAREFUL.
2. Every part of the country has its ... emblem NATION.
3. Lowlands comprise ... and eastern England SOUTH.
4. The UK is one of the important ... centres of the world COMMERCE.
5. The UK doesnʼt depend upon economies and ... manufacturing of other countries INDUSTRY.
c) Read the following sentences and say what part of speech the words in italics are:
1. The waters influence the climate greatly. 2. The Gulf Stream and warm southwestern winds influence the climate. 3. The influence of the warm winds is great. 4. There is a cross on the flag. 5. The lines are crossed in the middle of the display.

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