Выполнить письменно самостоятельно ( записывать только пропущенные слова)

1. Fill in the missing word or phrase. There is one word you don`t need to use.

Private, learning, special effects, action-packed, set, all-star, remove, still, anonymous, vandalism, situated.

1. - Do you know real name of Bansky? – No, he decided to remain______.

2. My mother is keen on adventure films, which are _________ in medieval times.

3. When a photographer takes a picture, you should stay perfectly ______.

4. Having ________ difficulties doesn't mean that you cant become a famous artist.

5. You can`t draw graffiti anywhere you want! Most of the houses are _______ property.

6. Graffiti art is considered as an act of ________ rather than art.

7. City councils can`t ______ graffiti from private property.

8. I like ________ films as they are full of exciting scenes.

9. The ______________in Titanic were fabulous! It really looked like the ship was drowning.

10. Ocean`s 13 is a fantastic American comedy with an amazing _______ cast including George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Andy Garcia.

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs formed using the prefixes –dis, -re, -under, -mis, -over .

1. I always _____with my sister on what TV programme to watch. AGREE

2. I made too many mistakes in my test so I had to _____it. WRITE

3. I told him that I didnt want to go to the cinema and he decided that I didnt want to go out. He just _________ me. UNDERSTOOD

4. I paid 1000$ for this little black dress, I think they _______me. CHARGED

5. My mother works round the clock and gets very small salary. They____ her. PAY

3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Actually, today I feel ____(bad) than yesterday.

2. Gustav Klimt isn`t as _______(famous) as Picasso.

3. What is the ______(good) book you have ever read?

4. I`m by far ______ (talented) than you!

5. Williard Wigan`s sculptures are the _____(tiny) works of art in the world.

6. The ___(many) I practice, the ___(easy) it becomes for me to speak English.

7. I think this book is ______(interesting) than the other one.

8. Your marks are getting ___and ____(bad) every day!

9. The test wasn`t as ____(difficult) as we thought.

10. This dress is the ___(long) that I`ve got!
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